Day Work is a form of instructed work that is calculated and paid for on a daily basis. The contractor calculates the cost of labour, any materials and plant used, along with an added mark-up for overheads and profit. Other information, such as location, hours worked and other details relating to the project can also be captured. Day Work rates are usually applied when the work cannot be priced in a contract.
Day Work can be recorded by using a Day Work Sheet. This allows for the costs to be formally recorded and is used by the contractor to charge their client.
We offer custom printed Day Work Sheets that can be personalised with your company logo and contact details. These forms are perfect for use on construction sites and are used by a range of trades, including plumbers, electricians and engineers.
These essential documents help to ensure accurate record keeping, efficiency and portray a professional image to clients.
The template shown above is a suggestion of what you might like to have printed and can be customised with your company logo and details. This template can be adapted to your specific requirements or you may have your own design that you wish to have printed.
We recommend that the sheets are printed onto our quality NCR Paper and supplied in A4 size. The use of NCR paper allows for instant copies of the original to be created – this makes it quick and easy to keep a copy for you and a copy for the client (additional copies can also be created).
The duplicate sheets can then be supplied loose or made into NCR Pads or Books comprising 50 sets.
We can also add Sequential Numbering to the sheets to allow for efficient record keeping and filing.
Desk Pads – Printed onto bond paper (not NCR) – ideally suited for occasions when duplicate copies of the original document are not required. We can design this item for you or you can supply your own file.
Invoices – Custom printed for a professional look; can be supplied as Books or Pads and sequentially numbered to assist with tracking.
Waste Transfer Notes – Essential if your business is involved in the transfer of waste or hazardous waste.
Delivery Notes – Supplied with a delivery of goods. We can personalise the design with your company logo and contact details.
To discuss the printing of Day Work Sheets or any other products we offer, please contact us by following the link below or by calling us on Tel: 03301115040.