Day Work Sheet

Day Work Sheets

What is Day Work? Day Work is a form of instructed work that is calculated and paid for on a daily basis. The contractor calculates the cost of labour, any materials and plant used, along with an added mark-up for overheads and profit. Other information, such as location, hours worked and other details relating to […]

Hatching & Desensitised NCR

Desensitised NCR / Desensitising Ink / Hatching

On occasion, some of our customers have documents that they wish to duplicate using carbonless copy paper (NCR paper) in the usual way, however, they do not require all the information being written/printed to transfer to subsequent sheets. For example; confidential information, such as credit card details, may need to be written on the top […]

Xmas 2024

Christmas Closure Dates 2024

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year We will close on Friday 20th December at 5pm and will re-open on Monday 6th January at 9am. Orders placed during these dates will be processed upon our return. May we take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and we look forward to working with you in […]

NCR Printing

NCR Printing

NCR Printing from the NCR Experts With over 20 years of industry experience in this specialist printing area, we can say with confidence that we have printed a wide variety of NCR products – from the very basic, minimum quantity supply, to the most complex of multi-site orders. Our NCR printing product range includes but […]

Trade NCR Printing

Trade NCR Printing

We specialise in Trade NCR Printing and have been printing for trade customers for over 20 years. As you would expect from a trade NCR supplier, all orders are shipped completely plain cover/white label as standard with no mention of our brand in the packaging or anywhere in the delivery process. You can be sure […]

Carbonless Copy Paper

Carbonless Copy Paper

Carbonless Copy Paper is the modern day equivalent to the old fashioned (and often messy) blue Carbon Copy Paper. In the printing industry Carbonless Copy Paper is more commonly referred to as NCR Paper, so if you hear this term, it’s the same product. The acronym NCR stands for No Carbon Required, which simply means the blue carbon […]

Personalised Invoice Books

Personalised Invoice Books

Using Personalised Invoice Books is the professional way to invoice your customers; ensuring your brand and contact details are visible. When we can’t quite remember a previous supplier, the first thing we all look for is the last invoice – so having your logo and contact details displayed on this is essential. It’s not as […]

Custom NCR Pads

Custom Printed NCR Pads

All of our NCR Pads are Custom Printed to your exact requirements, allowing for a personalised and professional looking document. Whether you are a small business just starting out or a larger business looking for a back up paper solution, our custom printed NCR Pads will look the part and make duplicating documents easy! We […]

Permit to Work at Height Form

Working at Height Permits

Working at height is a common task in many industries, from telecommunications to construction. However, it also poses significant risks such as fines if not managed properly. To ensure the safety of workers and compliance with regulations, it’s essential to have a robust permit to work system in place. We specialise in the design and […]

Head Injury Forms

Head Injury Reports for Schools / Nurseries

Schools and Nurseries can ensure that all accidents and injuries are recorded as soon as is practicable by using our general use School Accident Books. Due to head injuries being more serious, we also offer Head Injury Reports that are specific to this type of injury and allow for a more detailed report. Our Head Injury […]